Separated With An Infant
Facebook Group
Hi there,
I am looking for some advice from anyone separated with an infant. My partner and I have just split up and have a 10month old boy.
I will be the primary carer (always have been) but my ex and I disagree on the issue of sleepovers. I strongly believe that our son should spend regular time with his dad. And see him at least every second day which he wants too. I am not against that at all, because their relationship is important. But he wants to have him over 2 nights a week and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. Only because of the fact he is so little and I'm worried that sleeping in two homes would be too distressing.
More so because of the fact that I have been the one that has put him down to bed every single night and also comforted him during every night. He isnt even sleeping through yet.
Don't get me wrong they do have a good relationship but given that I feel his attachment is stronger with me and I have been there for him at night i feel he should stay each night with me at least until he is older.
Has anyone been in this situation? Am I being unreasonable, do you think staying at his dad's a couple nights at this age is ok? They wouldn't be consecutive. It will probably be in the house he has been used to as i am the one moving out
Would really appreciate anyones thoughts or experiences. Thankyou.
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33500 - 2022-03-16 18:04:57