?Anonymous Post? Food makes him happy
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Hi Mums, seeking advice from anyone dealing with similar problem. My son aged 4 and has been diagnosed as being obese by a GP and we have been referred to a dietician who we have seen once, we're back again in a few weeks. I'm struggling with some of what the dietician told me to implement, mainly the refusal of food. He is constantly asking for food telling me is hungry, he will cry, scream and have tantrums every time I say no. The dietician has explained he loves food, food makes him happy he's not hungry and I know he can't be hungry at the times he asks. But it's this constant want and need for it and how upset he gets. It's draining for him and for me. Anyone going through it will know what I mean!
I worry as I fear for his health and also as he's due to start kindy next year and I fear he'll be bullied so I'm trying to do all I can to help. I've reduced the amount I put on his plate but he always asks for more, 20 minutes to 30 minutes after a meal he's telling me he's hungry. I tell him no he has to wait he's had enough, but it's just constant and results in screaming crying and tantrums.
I'm finding it exhausting I feel like it's a constant battle with him over food. Looking for tips and advice from anyone who has been through similar. I need to get us on track!
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33476 - 2022-03-16 18:04:54
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